Event sponsorship is one of the most effective marketing strategies for driving brand awareness and increasing leads for your business. Unlike other forms of advertising, sponsorships can be more personal and meaningful because they allow you to create a deeper connection with your target audience by aligning yourself with something they care about.

While sponsorship can be an effective way to get in front of your target audience, it’s important not to forget that it’s also an opportunity for you to find new leads. If you plan (or sponsor) events that appeal to multiple demographics, including people who aren’t already part of your company’s database or email list, then sponsorships can help you reach out beyond just those who have already purchased from you before.

How a Healthcare Entity produced new leads through event sponsorship:

  • null

    Qualifying question on the event registration form –  “Do you want to be contacted by an agent of our partner?” – 123 hot leads 

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    Pre-event Medicare survey – 143 warm leads

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    Medicare event registrations - 208 warm leads 

Average cost Per lead in the healthcare industry:

Average cost per lead through event sponsorship:

Here are some tips on how you can make sure that your event is an effective marketing strategy:

  • Think about who’s going to attend the event. What type of people will come? It’s important to know who your target audience is before planning an event so that you can tailor it toward them, attracting prospects who fit your demographic.
  • Have multiple goals for events. You want the right people at an event who know about your industry, have a need to connect with you for the expertise you provide, but who may not be ready to convert for your brand yet.  You may also want to reach those that aren’t yet aware they need your service.  Qualifying – and creating an experience that touches each of these groups—will improve the kinds of leads you generate.

"Event sponsorship builds brand recognition, sales and PR. It also creates a connection between your business and the event attendees, providing numerous touch points to engage both current and potential customers."

Event sponsorship is an investment in your brand’s future. By putting money into sponsoring events you are investing in your company’s growth by building relationships with new customers, increasing awareness of your brand, increasing media exposure and establishing credibility within the community.

Of course, sponsorships aren’t only beneficial from an advertising standpoint; they can also help connect brands with their customers more directly as human beings. By sponsoring an event where people enjoy spending time together outside of work hours (like concerts, informative webinars, or networking experiences), companies can build brand loyalty.

As you can see, sponsoring a local event is a great way to get your business in front of potential customers and build relationships with them. It’s cheaper than traditional advertising methods, especially when compared to creating an ad campaign on TV or radio. You’ll also see better results, since people are much more likely to remember your brand from an event they attended.


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